Saturday, November 22, 2008

Why I LOVE Kohl's!!! I have had a hard time being 100% faithful to my Dave Ramsey committment....and her is why.....both girls have had birthdays--so with parties and presents....I spent some money that would have gone into the debt snowball.....NOW...Christmas....I love watching them open and be excited on Christmas morning--and I love to shop for them!!!! I went today.....I spent $366 BUT if I had paid full price (as my husband reminded me--I would not have because I AM NOT a full price girl!) but it still makes me feel good to say--I would have spent $939.46!!!! I would tell you waht I bought but my oldest gets on and checks out the I can't do it--but I know they are going to love everything!!!! Most importantly we remember the most importatn gift--why we celebrate Christmas!!! Anna told me she was so excited about Christmas because it is Jesus' birthday! Heartwarming moment!!!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


In keeping with the name, Random Things, I love the new backgrounds I have discovered for my blogs! How fun and how cute!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Don't buy new cars until....maybe never!

We are enjoying this class so much! He is just so straight forward when he calls you decision STUPID....and you KNOW he is right--but he has a gift and you don't get angry--you laugh with him.....then go to work on fixing the problems.....make that budget--use cash--make your money work for you!!!! He teaches most weeks a new word for many--NO!!!!
As a parent, I have learned to never say never....unless you like to eat words....but I will go out on a limb and say we will NEVER buy a new car....unless....well Dave says unless you have a million in the bank....but I will say UNLESS I can pay CASH!!!! He showed opportunity cost this week.....and talked about I want to share two of his pearls of wisdom this week!!!

Opportunity cost....
His friend wanted to buy a 1986 Mercedes when he made 6 figures...and he made 6 figures in his early 20's....went and test drove the car...sucked in the smell, looked at the symbol of Mercedes on the hood and steering wheel....the symbol for him that said he had arrived.....he had $40,000 in a mutual fund to pay cash for it....he wanted it...oh he so wanted it and had worked for it and was going to pay cash for it. He told the salesman he wanted to think about it overnight......he went home and did his financial calculator and knew he could not buy that car!!!! Opportunity Cost made him say NO!!! 12 years later he pulled up next to someone with a temporary tag on that same 1986 model Mercedes......he asked what he had paid--the man replied BOOK vlaue......$4000.....$36000 less than what it cost new 12 years earlier (WHAT KIND OF STUPID INVESTMENT IS A NEW CAR???) His mutual fund--the one that had $40,000 was now worth $300, tell me what was the better investment?? Easy answer for me....and like Dave, who will tell you he is going to step on toes.....I am not trying to offend but for me--it is ridiculous to pay--that much for a car....the highest I could stomach would be $25,000 and let me tell you that makes my stomach don't look for that to happen! I have financial goals for my family and car debt is not included in that.....I don't like bondage and that is what debt is!!!
This is long so I will just say that the immaturity pearl is about the inner child that wants it....DON'T let him make you buying decisions!

Godliness with contentment is a great content with what you have a new car, purse, shoes, outfit, house...whatever it is that you think will make you happy if you only had....well news flash--IT WON'T...if you are not happy with the car you drive or the house you live in etc....a new one may please you shortly but there is something else lacking--and the thing won't fix it!!!

Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. Proverbs 31: 10-11

Women talk to your husbands--make your opinions known--work together!!! You are supposed to be one so you need to act like it!!!! This is STRAIGHT from Dave....many times we don't want to make our spouse upset or tell them no but Dave points out you are doing an injustice by not speaking up.....

Monday, September 29, 2008

More on Dave Ramsey....

If you have the chance to go through Financial Peace University (FPU), you need to do it!!! I was a bit hesitant because someone said they thought you had to share all your numbers with the class. I also was unsure if I wanted to pay for the class when I had A Total Money Makeover....and although I had not implemented anything, I knew the basics. Lastly, I wasn't sure it was for us....our finances are in pretty good order. WRONG on all don't share your numbers in our class....yes, I had the book BUT had done nothing with it and EVERYONE can benefit and improve from Dave Ramsey!!!!!

Lots of things are just common sense but it seems common sense is in short supply these days. We are an instant gratification generation. Our Great grandparents and grandparents didn't believe in debt or credit.
The 1910 Sears catalog said 'buying on credit is folly'.....can you say DISCOVER card?
JC Penney only took cash--that changed on his death.
Ford didn't offer credit until 10 years after GM.

Our grandparents thought debt was DUMB and a SIN!!! Their homes were paid for and so were there it seems very few people plan to pay off anything. It seems like so many today are caught up in materialism....what can I buy next, what can I change, what do I want in my next house, what about my next car.....

Dave gave some statements that come from rich and poor people--hey if it is you--don't be mad at me--just repeating what DAVE says....and if it hits a nerve--maybe it is an area that you need to work on! :-) He didn't miss any one's toes last week!!!
POOR PEOPLE QUESTIONS: When buying a car, you ask them to get a payment of X amount...for 5 years or more.

RICH PEOPLE QUESTIONS: When buying a car, you ask them what the car is costing you--and then pay cash. If you are on your way to being rich, you never finance for more than 18 months to 2 years....if it is more than that....look at where you want to be! Once it is paid off--you put the car payment money in an account to save to pay cash for your next car.

DO NOT BUY A NEW CAR unless you have a MILLION dollars in the bank!!! New cars lose 70% of their value in the first 4 years--it is one of the worst investments you can make!! (Side note--when doing your budget--the right way--you figure out what % your transportation allowance is 10-15%....that includes car payments, gas, repairs....go do your math!!!)

HOUSES: NEVER take more than a 15 year fixed rate loan out on a house.

Children do what feels good--don't be a child--YOU ARE AN ADULT!!! Wait until you have the cash. NO it isn't always easy to wait to buy things, go places, or do projects on our house....but YES, it feels GREAT to come back from a vacation we paid for and owe feels great to do a house project and not owe on it and we appreciate things so much more that we have saved to buy! These are the ways of Dave....he is a multi-millionaire and a Christian...he knows what he is doing and who he is doing it for!
I think we have about 60 families in our class--our consumer debt is $1,072,000....that includes NO homes...just something to think about!!!

Check out Dave's site for a FPU near you!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Okay, it was July when I thought I was back on track.....and it is now September! I just have to say Dave Ramsey ROCKS!!!!! We are taking Financial Peace University (FPU) right now....and WOW!!!!! We are good with money but we want to be great--and DEBT-FREE!!!! I have several things that have really hit me--common sense but not in practice. I want to share several of the things but will have to do it a bit later!! If you have the chance to take FPU....DO IT!!!! We bought The total money makeover--awesome stuff but I had not implemented it. The FPU class makes you accountable--you have homework--so it has to be done!!! We had all written down our consumer debt total...everything but the house payment--and I was AMAZED at the debt our class has.....I just can not say enough about Dave Ramsey....God has given him a gift--not only is he great with money--using common sense things but he is so fun to listen to!!!! We were laughing our heads off--in a financial class--I look forward to the videos each week--and leave even more motivated!!! That is the difference in the book and doing the class along with it--the support group of like minded people is great!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

I am back and getting on track!!!

I feel like I have been on a hiatus from saving, coupons and good deals!! I have to get back in gear--who doesn't love to save?! I want to get our budget done--and stick to it--I have MS what am I waiting for? I need to be more diligent at checking PPP....signed on last night....opportunity waiting...I missed a couple is easy, easy, easy.....not going to get rich quick but I have $35 deposited in my account and more pending post approval....too easy....and I enjoy it!!! Check out and start making money!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Take Control Stem Cell Innovation for Women

Future Stem Cell Research Therapies May Be Found in Women's Menstrual Blood...whhhhaaaa? read that right....keep on reading...
Many people have strong opinions on stem cells and their use....depending on where/how they are harvested.....I would say I am one of those people BUT this press release reveals a possible new way of obtaining them that had never occurred to me!!! I love learning and educating myself on new things and old check out this innovative use of something we have to face as women!! Please read the article on CNNMoney !!

Science and technology have come so far and still have many things in the works! How great would it be to find a way to cure and treat illnesses or diseases with stem cells from something that most women have every month! How great would you feel to be able to extend someone's life or at least play a part in being helpful? That is something that is happening anyway--like it or not--why not help someone with it! I am thankful for the insight God gives to men and women to develop these life helping and life saving ideas! Keep your eyes on the news and your home page for more cutting edge developments on this process!!!!

Taking Control: Future Therapies for a Host of Serious Diseases May Be Found in Women's Menstrual Blood!!!

July 07, 2008: 01:28 PM EST

OLDSMAR, Fla., July 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- With today’s hectic lifestyle, where most women are juggling careers, family, relationships, and a host of activities, the idea of possibly facing a serious illness in the future is not something that readily comes to mind -- especially when a woman is in the prime of her life. But what most women don’t know, is that the key to treating a number of possibly life-threatening diseases that she, a parent, a sibling or even her children may face in later years, such as osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, may be found within her own body -- in vital stem cells, which can now be harvested from her own menstrual blood.

Now, thanks to the revolutionary research and technology of C’elle, a service dedicated to providing women with a safe and easy method of collecting and preserving stem cells found in her menstrual fluid each month, even the busiest woman can take control of her future, right in the privacy of her own home. With C’elle’s non-invasive collection process, menstrual cells are processed and cryo-preserved (stored at a very low temperature) for potential cellular therapies that may be used in the future. These self-renewing cells one day may even be used for sports medicine or cosmeceutical treatments, such as anti-aging therapies.

Tough Economy? Take control...with the click of a mouse on a pop-up calendar to mark your next cycle, order C'elle online for a limited-time introductory price at

For more information about C’elle, please call 1-877-892-3553 or visit

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Proverbs 13:20 Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.
ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!! OK so this is a vent....the top is a reminder to me!!! We are very aware of what we spend--and try to be responsible and frugal while enjoying life!!!! It is sooooo frustrating to me when people complain about money but spend it like there is no end to their hear what I said--they complain about having no money but are always buying what they want!!!! We do not want debt and will not take anything from we save until we can afford things. I know that all I should care about is my own finances but it is so frustrating to be on this mission to be debt free--and it is so good to say we won't have a house payment in just over 3 years!!!! That should be all the reward I need to keep me focused but when we make the conscious effort to not buy unnecessary things or save money until we can save cash for what we want to gets a little hard to see immediate gratification.....

So God has me where I am supposed to be because I am surrounded by great debt slayers this week.....thanks God for putting good friends and good stewards around me! Thank you for allowing me to vent!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Free Krispy Kreme doughnut today!!!

It is National Doughnut Day......
To mark the occasion, doughnut purveyor Krispy Kreme is offering a free calorie bomb. You can choose one of any of their varieties at participating stores.

A little history....It is always on the first Friday in June......
The celebration was launched in 1938, in the depths of the Great Depression, as a Salvation Army fund-raiser honoring the volunteer “lassies” who served coffee and fresh doughnuts by the thousands to homesick soldiers in France during World War I.

Friday, May 30, 2008

I am loving Pay Per Post!!!

Making money while being home doing something fun--I am doing it!!! Don't listen to me if you are looking for a get rich quick scheme...but I have done my 4th blog....and you get to pick what you blog don't HAVE to do anything you don't want to! I think it is fun to read about things I didn't know about--so it is fun to write....but again only things I am OK with writing about! I just got my first deposit!!! Check it out!!! Your first approved post is $20!!! Check out the site....
I just don't want to be selfish and keep it to myself!!! The customer service has been great to answer any questions I have had!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Is it too early to think about Christmas shopping?

It is never to early to think about Christmas shopping, is it? I love a good deal, who doesn't! What I don't like are the crowds, getting up early and waiting in long lines!!! Do you ever shop on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving? What if I told you there is a website that lets you buy Black Friday items without all the hassle of those long lines, getting up early and crowds??? Well this site exists!!! Get a jump on your Christmas shopping by checking out!!!! The site also offers email updates to let you know when new black Friday ads are posted!

I am sure you can find your favorite store--I found several! Target, Kohl's, Circuit City is always good for dh and Tommy Hilfiger is always a hit!! So check it out for toys, sporting goods, home goods, office goods, is endless and it will help you get a great list started for Christmas!!!! If you are a planner and love to save money this is perfect for you!!!! So why are you still here....hurry go check it out!!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Gas is making everything higher

In case you didn't could you not.....the prices at the grocery store are friend's lawn mowing service has a gas surcharge....and now I just noticed my electric bill is higher--depends on how much you use but I did the math and we are paying 10-11 dollars more this month!!! So...what am I doing...continuing to look at the store ads for the good deals, and working on getting even better at coupons! I saved about $25 between coupons and BOGOs and store sales yesterday.....but I know I can do better....I am working on stockpiling up what I can when it is on week, I want to see if I can not go to the grocery store at all and use things on our is a shame to say we have nothing to eat....when there are people who really don' looking over the pantry and freezer, I will make my menu for next week.....other than a few staples....I think I can spend almost nothing on groceries this week.

Since we bought that car in March, I am on a mission to pay it off in 18 months or less...preferably less!!! Debt free--that includes the house is less than 4 years away!!!

Lap Band surgery

Not sure what your opinion is on lap-band surgery but I do know in some cases it can be helpful. Many people have tried--and it is not always easy to lose weight....if you are not in that position or have not been in that position--don't judge. It can be a life saving and life changing procedure. If you are seeking this type of treatment, check out Dr. Collier's site, lapband houston , for more information. The site can tell you if you qualify with a BMI calculator, there are success stories and free seminar information!!!

Dr. Richard Collier is a Lap-Band Surgery Specialist, who provides a comprehensive Lap-Band©, weight loss surgery program as an alternative to the more invasive Gastric Bypass Surgery in The Woodlands, Conroe, Houston, Kingwood, and Spring, Texas areas. His premier weight loss program combines his well respected 30 year level of surgical experience with a highly-praised after care team program approach for patients following their surgery.

FREE sandwich at McDonald's--just today May 15th

McDonald's is giving away a free Southern Chicken sandwich today, with the purchase of a medium or large soft drink. If you go in the morning/breakfast hours(7am-10:30), you must purchase a large coffee or a medium to large soft drink & you will get the Southern chicken biscuit free. Dinner time hours(10:30am-7:00pm), purchase requirement is a medium or large soft drink & you get the Southern chicken sandwich.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Money..what can we do with it!

5 things you can do with your money:
1. Spend it
2. pay back debt
3. taxes
4. save it
5. give it

or consider this order:
1. give
2. save
3. taxes
4. reduce debt
5. spend

It becomes more important to me to see where the dollars are going as gas has continued to climb!!! $.46 in one month and still climbing....I just wanted to share a few points from a lesson a few Sundays back.....

Lust of the eye--you didn't NEED it until you saw it! Set boundaries!!! (I am good at this in most areas except I love to buy for my girls!! So I need to NOT buy clothes just because they are cute or on many clothes do they really need, seriously!)

Everyone lives that way....well so is NOT OK....I do not want to be a slave to debt!!!

God loves a cheerful giver....give anyway--you can become cheerful later! Break the cycle of greed....and watch how you get money unexpected check in the mail, a cheaper bill, a free prescription, the thing you need is on sale for super is kind of fun to see where the blessings show up!!

Create a budget!
1. find you annual income (net)
2. Debts (home, utilities, clothes) how much you spend!

One big point that was made that stuck with me follows. We are a nation of gratify now--Parents and grandparents delayed and saved until they could pay--and they appreciated it much more. We rush out and borrow money to have it done NOW not when we can pay cash. So what are you teaching your kids--something to think about! Think of what you can do for your children and your grandchildren if you were debt free!
Ending with 2 verses:

Proverbs 13:20 Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.

Proverbs 16:3 Commit your plans to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Q-Ray Bracelet....check it out!!!!

Do you like jewelry? Well, you should check out the Q-Ray bracelet. I love things that are practical--not all the bangles type this is perfect!! It is worn by professional athletes, celebrities and people with an active life style! Why...because it is fashionable and not in the way!! It holds 3 patent can hear what others that have the Q-Ray bracelets have to say about it at QRay Bracelets !!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

If you don't set goals, you will NEVER reach them!

I can't wait until our activities wind down this month! My goal is to set goals! I want to make out my budget and get to My Total Money Makeover!!! Jennifer at All Things Frugal is always reminding me I can do better! So, I added up what we spent on eating out in the last 30 days--and remember we are limited in that area--and I was sick at what we spent! So with Dave and his cash system at the grocery store, using more coupons and cutting back in the just plain wasteful spending.....I am excited to see what we will do!!!!

So, I checked out Aldi's and was not disappointed!! I spend $53 and was amazed at all that I got! I have been told that most of the things people have bought there are as good as name brands and they do carry some name brands. As gas and grocery costs keep creeping higher, I am finding I am not such a brand name snob on my food! I have been slowly venturing into store brands here and there over the last year or so but am cranking it up as my check out prices keep getting higher! I am finding my taste buds are OK with everything I have tried to date! The pictures at the top are of all the things I bought for $53!!! Fresh fruits and Veggies, bread, eggs, pizzas, ground turkey, french toast sticks, cereal, spaghetti and sauce, salsa, cookies, ham, shredded cheese, sliced cheese, cinnamon rolls.....ooohhhh...I can't wait to go back and save more money!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Setting goals and achieving them....

I just read a post from a couple of homeschool families that really inspired me in a few ways. I hear people complain that they have no money yet they always have the latest clothes and toys. I hear people complain that they can't afford to take vacations....

Well, I just read one Mom that homeschools and is a single MOM. Then I read about a family with a limited budget--the kids want to go on vacation--guess what--they are earning it!! I am so independent and I am teaching my kids that--we don't do it if we can't afford it....we don't borrow or have someone else pay for anything...sometimes I think it would be nice to have someone to pay for things--but then I realize the lessons my kids see.....and they are priceless! They know the value of a dollar--yes they still ask for toys but no they don't get them. They see us save to buy things and plan our they get all the budgeting--not yet but it will rub off....and we will raise good money managers--they will be the lender NOT the borrower!!! The head and not the tail...the first...not the last!

This last paragraph is from the family that is earning their vacation:

Our philosophy on 'I don't have the money" is "go to work". Our kids want to go on vacation this year, but we have a limited budget for that. They want to have some "spending money" while there so they are taking 3 weeks while Daddy is off and doing lawn care. You can easily make money during the summer cutting grass and cleaning up lawns and in the fall by raking leaves. If people truly want something they will find a way to get it...sell something or don't buy that big screen TV! hahahaha

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

money, money, money

Everyone needs it....everyone wants to save more of it, everyone wants to make more of it....some people have easy ways of making it....lots have an easy time spending for me I am hoping to make some and pay off our house and car quicker....check out is a link to the is quick and easy and FUN and you make a little extra money!

I have looked at different ways to make just a little extra money at home--they all promise $10,000 a week...come on--who believes that....this doesn't promise that and if it did I wouldn't be here! Being home with my kids is the most important thing to I am so excited to be able to contribute financially--even just a little helps. I am working on saving us money through coupons, we are pretty decent shoppers for will see my kids and myself repeat clothes...especially if you see us on a regular basis....they will wear their clothes out because they WEAR them.....we don't spend $30K or $40k or more on cars--we don't buy new cars--the goal is to pay it off in 18 months or less--if we can't so that--we don't buy it--simple.....we don't carry balances on our credit cards....and if we can't afford it, we wait until we can--it makes it much sweeter having to wait to buy something until you can afford it, you appreciate it so much more--so we are doing pretty good in terms of getting debt free....this extra money will help and I am happy to be able to help!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pay Per excited!!!

I have joined the world of pay per post! I am so excited as this is a great way to express my opinions--I love doing that--and finding new exciting deals!! The best thing is I can do this from my house--in my pjs--and make a little extra money! I learned about pay per post from an on-line friend and she is doing great with it--check out her blog, All Things Frugal on blogger to see how she is spending her money and how much she has made!!! I was inspired by her because, as I said, I love to write and who doesn't love to make extra money!?! I am hoping PayPerPost is the way to do it!!!

I would love to use the extra money to pay off our house even faster....or it could go to a car payment....or groceries...or gas....come on who couldn't use extra money for gas! I am just so excited to feel like I can be at home with my kids and still contribute some financial help!

I would encourage any of you out there in blog land to check out pay per post for fun things to write about and make a little money...I am ready to get started!!! You are free to pick and choose topics that interest you--I will do a monthly update on how much I have earned while having fun with this new venture!

Monday, April 28, 2008


I copied this from should check out her site--she ahs great advice!!!

400 Free Prints & Free Photo Book
Woo Hoo!!If I love a deal on anything, it's pictures!Scrapbooking is dear to my heart, so I take lots of snapshots.ArtsCow is giving away 400 prints (a combination of 4x6 AND 5x7's!) and a free 8x8 photo book if you sign up now.I can guarantee this offer won't last long, so I would do it NOW.I signed up and it took less than three minutes.So go to ArtsCow today and sign up.What are you waiting for? :o)Get your free 400 prints & photo book, here.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I was told about Aldi the other day...and then read about it in the money savings book. Well, my plan was to go there yesterday but we didn't make it because I had a sick baby! I have heard that you can easily save $30-40 on what you would normally buy. You pay a quarter for a cart but your get it back when you are done shopping. I think you pay .10 a bag but think you can bring your own bags......if you have been please share you experiences and opinions!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Savings.....think cheap!

There are a few things that I have been unwilling to switch brands on....Mayfield milk--just used to it and Cascade--cheaper brands leave spots.....Welllllll......I did it! I found a cheap brand of dishwashing detergent--Sun Source at the dollar tree--and it works GREAT no SPOTS!!!! And it is only $1.00!!!! I also made the switch to Great value milk this week--and I am alive and have more money --no worse the wear and can't tell a difference.....!! I also bought a book called 101 ways to pay less for almost anything....for .25!!!! I will let you know if I find any HOT tips!!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


There are just a couple of things I wanted to share about the weekend.
1. Parked at a local grocery store...Thomas ran in to get something....his door was unlocked but the rest were locked. I am always on the look out for people--OK--I know I am a bit paranoid but I want to stay safe! So, I glance at the little man coming out of the store headed in our direction--65-70 white hair cute grandpa.....nothing to worry about...people around and he looked harmless (yes, I know you can't go on looks) he reaches for the door, glances in the back and realizes it isn't his car because there are kids....but he saw me looking so he came back and opened the door and said, "I am sorry, I am old and drunk!" He was kidding and it was too funny--his wife was laughing her head off--they were parked 2 spots over!

2. We take for granted the no smoking in restaurants here!! We were out of state and in a BK--the little cheap ashtrays on the table and people smoking!!! Ugh!!! We couldn't get out fast enough!!!

I guess that is all I will share for now...gotta run!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Gift Card

Yeah me! I got a free Target gift card today!!! I had to get a RX filled so I had it sent to Target--where I would get a FREE $10 gift card for a new or transferred RX. Watch those coupons!! I also enjoyed a FREE smoothie!!! What a I love saving money!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Target Dollar BIns

CHECK them out!!! There are great treasures just waiting to be found!!! Some of our treasures today included:

nature series puzzles--great pictures--24 piece puzzles--great to do and then pick an animal and look it up!

paint by numbers

butterfly garden and wildflower garden seed mixes--we will have some sort of landscaping this year--the kids are so excited to plant!!

They also have a lot of scrapbook stuff too!!! Gotta LOVE that store!!!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

surprise money!

An on-line friend had posted the other day about unexpected refunds....well God blessed us with one today! I thought it was a bill--nothing better than unexpected money when you think it is a bill!!! Only $25.71 but complaints here!

We took our ink for refilling at Wal-greens--they will be done on Saturday. I have wanted to try that--it is so much cheaper--but had been afraid to spend the money and it not be any now I can try it and it was free!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Wal-green's has FREE ink refill!!!!

I love discounts and free things and have really enjoyed all teh coupon savings and free things I have come across. Here is Walgreen's coupon--for APRIL ink cartridge refill!!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Sunday's lesson!

I have to share what we talked about in Sunday School yesterday. The lesson pertained to marriage and finances.
Figure out what % of your income you are living on! Do not live on 100%....and if you are cut back...there are always things that are not needed!!! You have to know where you are going or you will never get there!!! So know what % you are living on!

Children will live like you do--teach your children well!!

4 things that are very important to a successful marriage
1. religion (being the same/agreeing on it)
2. in-laws (HAVE to set boundaries!)
3. parenting (how to raise them)
4. money

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy Saturday

I hope everyone had a good week....we did and have landed on Saturday....the week flew by! I wanted to share a new link as a cable TV option from a Christian perspective. It was shared on a yahoo board by a family that was tired of all the garbage their kids were being exposed to and I am talking about commercials!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Blogs and things

This blog thing is so much fun and so easy! I am telling everyone to do it! I love keeping up with my friends and getting pictures and this just makes it so easy!

It is step by step to set it up....and it is free! What a great tool for communication! Sign up with today....

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Here are a couple of pictures of Patches......again just keep them in your was sudden...she wasn't ill and they are hurting. Don't hear me comparing this to a human loss but the pain is real all the same!

Loss of a friend

The latest in random things....death of a parents just lost their dog, Patches. She has been a faithful friend and snuggle companion for many years. Some don't understand how you can be upset over the loss of an animal--to them I say--you must either 1. not be a pet owner or 2. be cold. Our pets have always been like part of the I ask that you lift them up as they are heartbroken today over the loss of a faithful friend!!! (It was also unexpected--she had shown no signs of being sick)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Big Brother....does anyone watch it? I have to admit it is my favorite Reality TV show! I love that it is on 3 nights a week....I get so mad.....crack up laughing....and left hanging on the cliff.....who will be the next head of house? It is the one reality show that I don't think I can tire of.....they do add twists and new things to try and keep it fresh but there is just something about that house that keeps me hooked!

Survior--over it Amazin Race--over it American Idol--over it Next Top Model--over it The Bachelor--COME ON--but BB9.......still watching....

Monday, March 24, 2008

Do you use coupons....

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter! We did....any time with family and friends is always good! I wanted to share some coupon sites that have been shared with is free and one is paid but so minimal.....there are minimums that you have to order.......I saved so much that the cost was totally worth it!!! (this one is pay--but so minimal) (this one is free)


Hope everyone had a great Easter! We did....time with family and friends is always great! I wanted to share to coupon sites that have been shared with me. You do pay for the coupons, but it has been so worth it for me....

Saturday, March 22, 2008


I am back! I was locked out of here because it picked up as a SPAM blog somehow? is what I hope to see on this talk, money saving ideas, free samples or great ideas that I have heard about! Just random the name suggests!

So we had a life lesson in math yesterday. We bought a new car (new to us) and I took the opportunity to explain why you borrow money from a bank--cars or houses were the only things I told them. I want them to have good financial heads on their shoulders! Then I told them to pay the money back as fast as possible! I love when life happens and you get to make it a teachable moment!

Happy Easter!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I have just read the book The Total Money Makeover by Dave is packed full of budgeting ideas and ways to save money--many of which you have thought of but aren't doing.....and many that are so common sense, we over look them! I am so motivated to make this life changing that I recommend it to everyone!!!