Making money while being home doing something fun--I am doing it!!! Don't listen to me if you are looking for a get rich quick scheme...but I have done my 4th blog....and you get to pick what you blog don't HAVE to do anything you don't want to! I think it is fun to read about things I didn't know about--so it is fun to write....but again only things I am OK with writing about! I just got my first deposit!!! Check it out!!! Your first approved post is $20!!! Check out the site....

I just don't want to be selfish and keep it to myself!!! The customer service has been great to answer any questions I have had!!!
I'm glad you like it as much as I do!
Hey Michelle~
Finally got a chance to jump over and read through some of your osts. Looks like I could take a lesson or two from you w/ regard to saving money. =)
Just how does payperpost work? Was that $20 for just one post? That's really not too shabby. I'd def like to know more...
=) Phyllis
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