Proverbs 13:20 Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.
ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!! OK so this is a vent....the top is a reminder to me!!! We are very aware of what we spend--and try to be responsible and frugal while enjoying life!!!! It is sooooo frustrating to me when people complain about money but spend it like there is no end to their hear what I said--they complain about having no money but are always buying what they want!!!! We do not want debt and will not take anything from we save until we can afford things. I know that all I should care about is my own finances but it is so frustrating to be on this mission to be debt free--and it is so good to say we won't have a house payment in just over 3 years!!!! That should be all the reward I need to keep me focused but when we make the conscious effort to not buy unnecessary things or save money until we can save cash for what we want to gets a little hard to see immediate gratification.....
So God has me where I am supposed to be because I am surrounded by great debt slayers this week.....thanks God for putting good friends and good stewards around me! Thank you for allowing me to vent!!
1 day ago
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