I just read a post from a couple of homeschool families that really inspired me in a few ways. I hear people complain that they have no money yet they always have the latest clothes and toys. I hear people complain that they can't afford to take vacations....
Well, I just read one Mom that homeschools and is a single MOM. Then I read about a family with a limited budget--the kids want to go on vacation--guess what--they are earning it!! I am so independent and I am teaching my kids that--we don't do it if we can't afford it....we don't borrow or have someone else pay for anything...sometimes I think it would be nice to have someone to pay for things--but then I realize the lessons my kids see.....and they are priceless! They know the value of a dollar--yes they still ask for toys but no they don't get them. They see us save to buy things and plan our vacations...do they get all the budgeting--not yet but it will rub off....and we will raise good money managers--they will be the lender NOT the borrower!!! The head and not the tail...the first...not the last!
This last paragraph is from the family that is earning their vacation:
Our philosophy on 'I don't have the money" is "go to work". Our kids want to go on vacation this year, but we have a limited budget for that. They want to have some "spending money" while there so they are taking 3 weeks while Daddy is off and doing lawn care. You can easily make money during the summer cutting grass and cleaning up lawns and in the fall by raking leaves. If people truly want something they will find a way to get it...sell something or don't buy that big screen TV! hahahaha
1 day ago
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