First stop TARGET!!!! These wipes cost $5.99 OOP was $3.09 I saved $10.00!...and I have 2 more $5.00 off coupons!!!!
Next stop Walgreens....My OOP after my rebate is $4.99...I saved $21.18. I bought 2 more chex mixes, more emery boards--FREE, Walgreens head ache meds--FREE after rebate, 4 Oust air fresheners...Q BOGO plus rebate!
My rough numbers are total spent: $23.24 and total saved ~$113.00
Next was CVS...Another FREE Fusion RAZOR, 3 tubes of toothpaste and a pack of peanut butter M & M's....OOP $0.87...and that was for the M & M's....I had an ECB to use , plus Qs but my total amount had to be $5.00 before tax to use the I will enjoy my reward of M&M's!!
Last for tonight was Rite Aid....I bought 2 eyeliners, 2 blushes, 2 mascaras, 2 lip glosses, a power and a foundation plus a box of tampons...all for $14.29 after Qs and rebated!! The before tax total was $55.23....SAVED around $46!!! yes...this is addictive and so much fun! I want everyone to do it!!! Check out Kasey and Kelly's blog....they are AMAZING!!!! I am going to their advanced classes! Wouldn't it be great to be like them? They are Godly women that are saving money like crazy! I am happy and excited at what I am saving.....and then I look at them and think wow...I have so much to learn and so far to go! That is OK...I love to learn for all who know me!!!!
There site:
There upcoming classes are listed on the right side and so is there contact info!!! Hope to see you there!!!
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