At Walgreens I spent a total of $16 and saved $24.67....the paper towels alone would have been $19.00! Missing from the picture is 2 candy bars--we couldn't wait til we got home!

AT Target I spent $11 and saved $28.17...one of those razors is usually $9.00!!!

Trip 2 Publix was $15 and I saved $12.06

This was my first Publix trip and it won't be may last!!! Trip one cost me $29 and I saved $50.73.
Food lion was 1 trip but I forgot the bread so it is in a separate picture! :-) I spent $22 and saved $18.82

Rite Aid was $7.32 but after my rebates of $5.00 oop is $2.32

Finally CVS was 6.26 BUT I have $5.00 ECB so it was like spending $1.26...and the ECB didn't print correctly--it gave me $5 off of $15 spent so she let me keep that and my $5.00 ECB....so it is like I made 4.74!!!
So...I planned my shopping....all my stops and coupons.....and we were off for a day full of shopping and savings!!!! I bought the baseball card holders to organize the coupons--and had them organized for each store I was going to...it was a GREAT help!!! I also bought toilet paper on sale and with coupons at K-mart--$10 for a good start on a stock pile!
So on my savings trips yesterday...I spent a total of $118.40 and SAVED $148.56.....now I know these #s don't sound as good as $40 a week BUT since that is normally my weekly Walmart bill, I am very pleased!!! My freezer is stocked and my pantry is full. I have paper towels, toilet paper, Reynolds wrap, shampoo, razors, candy, hair product and more!!! I know I will get to where I can shop only the sales so my total will go down! I also know what is a good deal will change! For me $.13 for toothpaste is still great....for the experts it is free all the way! :-)
How is your shopping going? Any troubles? I know Leslie, Donna and I shared notes yesterday and we all had little things happen....patience and attention to details make it smoother....we are learning a new way of shopping and it will pay off greatly in the end!