Monday, March 31, 2008

Sunday's lesson!

I have to share what we talked about in Sunday School yesterday. The lesson pertained to marriage and finances.
Figure out what % of your income you are living on! Do not live on 100%....and if you are cut back...there are always things that are not needed!!! You have to know where you are going or you will never get there!!! So know what % you are living on!

Children will live like you do--teach your children well!!

4 things that are very important to a successful marriage
1. religion (being the same/agreeing on it)
2. in-laws (HAVE to set boundaries!)
3. parenting (how to raise them)
4. money

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy Saturday

I hope everyone had a good week....we did and have landed on Saturday....the week flew by! I wanted to share a new link as a cable TV option from a Christian perspective. It was shared on a yahoo board by a family that was tired of all the garbage their kids were being exposed to and I am talking about commercials!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Blogs and things

This blog thing is so much fun and so easy! I am telling everyone to do it! I love keeping up with my friends and getting pictures and this just makes it so easy!

It is step by step to set it up....and it is free! What a great tool for communication! Sign up with today....

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Here are a couple of pictures of Patches......again just keep them in your was sudden...she wasn't ill and they are hurting. Don't hear me comparing this to a human loss but the pain is real all the same!

Loss of a friend

The latest in random things....death of a parents just lost their dog, Patches. She has been a faithful friend and snuggle companion for many years. Some don't understand how you can be upset over the loss of an animal--to them I say--you must either 1. not be a pet owner or 2. be cold. Our pets have always been like part of the I ask that you lift them up as they are heartbroken today over the loss of a faithful friend!!! (It was also unexpected--she had shown no signs of being sick)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Big Brother....does anyone watch it? I have to admit it is my favorite Reality TV show! I love that it is on 3 nights a week....I get so mad.....crack up laughing....and left hanging on the cliff.....who will be the next head of house? It is the one reality show that I don't think I can tire of.....they do add twists and new things to try and keep it fresh but there is just something about that house that keeps me hooked!

Survior--over it Amazin Race--over it American Idol--over it Next Top Model--over it The Bachelor--COME ON--but BB9.......still watching....

Monday, March 24, 2008

Do you use coupons....

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter! We did....any time with family and friends is always good! I wanted to share some coupon sites that have been shared with is free and one is paid but so minimal.....there are minimums that you have to order.......I saved so much that the cost was totally worth it!!! (this one is pay--but so minimal) (this one is free)


Hope everyone had a great Easter! We did....time with family and friends is always great! I wanted to share to coupon sites that have been shared with me. You do pay for the coupons, but it has been so worth it for me....

Saturday, March 22, 2008


I am back! I was locked out of here because it picked up as a SPAM blog somehow? is what I hope to see on this talk, money saving ideas, free samples or great ideas that I have heard about! Just random the name suggests!

So we had a life lesson in math yesterday. We bought a new car (new to us) and I took the opportunity to explain why you borrow money from a bank--cars or houses were the only things I told them. I want them to have good financial heads on their shoulders! Then I told them to pay the money back as fast as possible! I love when life happens and you get to make it a teachable moment!

Happy Easter!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I have just read the book The Total Money Makeover by Dave is packed full of budgeting ideas and ways to save money--many of which you have thought of but aren't doing.....and many that are so common sense, we over look them! I am so motivated to make this life changing that I recommend it to everyone!!!